About Wonderwalls Bamboo Shop
We are your bamboo store.
We, the nursery Wilfried Janßen, are a nursery from the beautiful Ammerland, near Oldenburg in northern Germany. For more than 30 years we have been involved in the cultivation and breeding of bamboo, especially the non-stolonizing Fargesia. Since autumn 2021 we offer our bamboo here directly in our bamboo store.
Until about the early 1990s, the main bamboo species found in gardens were two non-stolonizing species: Sinarundinaria (later renamed “Fargesia“) murielae and, more rarely, Sinarundinaria nitida.
These were imported from China about 80-90 years earlier. Both species, first mulielae, later nitida, went into flowering in the following 10-15 years. At the time, this led to the worldwide death of these plants. However, from the flowering emerged seedlings, from which we selected, as well as other new varieties. Among the varieties created here, for example, “Standing Stone””.
At the same time, also at the natural site in China, the above-mentioned and also other species went into flower. Starting around the turn of the millennium, we received seedling collections from China over the years from various sources. True surprise packages as it turned out later!
These seedlings from the natural site showed a diversity, vigor and hardiness that far exceeds the quality of the varieties developed outside China by flowering garden bamboo. The abundance of growth forms, foliage, culm colors and aesthetics of natural seedlings is simply fascinating. It opens up a whole new range of uses for bamboo.
Since then, we have been selecting the best types from them in test plantings over many years in a wide range of locations. We present these to you in our Well Born Bamboo® Africa collection, which now comprises 18 varieties and is constantly growing. Take a look at our newly designed bamboo store(Bambus Shop – Wonderwalls-Bamboo (bamboo-wonderwalls.de)) and get inspired.
You want to know more about our bamboo? Then visit our website Well Born Bamboo Africa – The Bamboo Revolution (well-born-africa.de)

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Geprüfte Markenware
Our bamboo varieties are handpicked
Some varieties are only available exclusively here in our bamboo store
Why Wonderwalls Bamboo?

- Eigene Aufzucht
- Markenware
- Direktvertrieb
- Erzeugerqualität
- Geprüfte Ware
- Sichtschutz
- Bamboo hedges
- Bambus Formgehölze
- Winterhart
- Keine Wurzelausläufer